Wednesday, December 14

I wonder if Michelle Rodriguez is having a hard time coping with the fact that her character(Ana Lucia) is such a bitch on LOST.

An AIM convo my friend and I had about the article above;

UCLASteph: this is another reason not to like this ana lucia chick
rent79br8t: haha
UCLASteph: thats so horrible
UCLASteph: hit and run
UCLASteph: drunk good
rent79br8t: haha u understand that michelle rodriguez is NOT ana lucia
UCLASteph: haha true but still
UCLASteph: ok i dont like either of them now
rent79br8t: haha
rent79br8t: yeah!

How crappy is it that we have to wait until January for the next new episode of LOST? RIGHT when I start up another rotation. Don't they understand they need to work it around MY schedule??

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