Saturday, November 12

(A) Playing The Angel (Depeche Mode, 2005) grade: A

When I first listened to this album, I was pretty disappointed. After enjoying the first single, "Precious", which I thought was amazing, I expected great things from the album. As is usual with me and a new DM album, it takes me a while for the songs to grow and me and love them (this is why I've waited so long to review it). It's happened again. I now really enjoy this album (thus the grade). The next single will be "A Pain That I'm Used To", which seems rather unconventional. It's a great song that reminds me of "The Dead of Night" from Exciter. I also enjoy "John the Revelator", especially the end, where it sounds kinda ghetto to me (like it could be a beat to a hip-hop song). Definitely check it out.

(A) Confessions on a Dancefloor (Madonna, 2005) grade: B-

So after hearing the first single, "Hung Up", and liking it, I expected this album to be pretty good. I was dissappointed. The beats and music are pretty good, but the songs are ruined by her perpetual promotion of her spirituality. She also did this on Ray of Light, but the songs didn't suffer then, I guess she is just more "into" it now. The only song besides the first single that I enjoyed was "Forbidden Love"

(M) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Tim Burton, 2005) grade: C

So after missing the chance to see this in the theater, I was rather upset. But boy am I glad now. All in all, this "re-interpretation" of the book by the same name is awful, especially compared to 1971's Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Tim Burton failed to create the awe-inspiring images of candy that made the 1971 film so great (even with the cheesy special effects). Besides, you can't beat the orange Oompa-Loompa's.

(A) Super Extra Gravity (The Cardigans, 2005) grade: B+

This "one-hit wonder" band has consistently put out good albums since their hit, "Lovefool". Upon listening to the first single from this new album, "I need some fine wine and you, you need to be nicer", I knew I had to check out the album. The songs aren't as strong as the ones on the last two albums, but they're still catchy and entertaining. Personally, I like Nina Persson's voice, which gives the songs a nice quality. Worth a listen (although I don't think it's out in the U.S. yet).


Cup-O-Noodles said...

Okay Bleed Like Me... now I am gonna have to go listen to the DM album again because I too LOVED the single and was disappointed by everything else on the album. I wasn't as kind as you to give it a 2nd chance (or 3rd or 8th)... but now I shall. Maybe it'll grow on me too.

Curelover said...

i agree ftc .. the dm album gets better with each listen but i'm still not a huge dm fan. i have to give madonna props for still making albums at 47. good for her. i really want that new cardigans album. they are so great.