Sunday, November 27

(M) Dot The I (2003, Matthew Parkhill) Grade: C-
Not horrible, not amazing, though I wouldn't care to watch it again. This movie has Gael Garcia Bernal (Motorcycle Diaries, Y tu mama tambien, Amores perros). Basically he see's a girl in a restaurant who he is attracted to. They meet, she's engaged, he wants to be with her, she's attracted to him but plans on going through with her marriage anyway... drama follows, plot twists evolve, and ultimately you end up with crazy things that could NEVER be acheived in reality but are used in movies because you can create these crazy twists as if they'd work.

1 comment:

Curelover said...

man i got this movie from Pigern and was thinking about watching it but after reading your review i'll have to rethink it.