Thursday, September 8

(TV) Reunion: Pilot Episode-1986 (Fox, 2005)
Grade: C
I really want(ed) to like this show because it has such potential. The acting is so-so, but I'm not sure if it's because of the combination of cheesy writing, possibly bad direction or just plain old crappy acting. Forgive me I don't know any names, but the actor that plays Will, who also plays Jack Pryor(i think, the big brother) on American Dreams is a decent actor--at least in American Dreams. But in this show he's just whatever. The big picture story is intriguing just because you want to know a. who dies, b. who killed that person and c. why? Some of the details of the story are kind of predictable...kind of like a cheesy 80s movie. Did they do this on purpose becAUSE it was in the 80s? Who knows. I'll tune in for a couple more episodes to see if it improves and at least to see who the hell died--judging from the shows predictability I might even be able to figure out who did it lol.

One thing that really sux is that my favorite character on the show so far seems like such a friggin bitch in the future(present day). Oh and there needs to be more character development...everything is so superficial at this point.

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