Thursday, September 22

I am going through movie withdrawl. I have not watched a film since pretty much early Sept. I feel ill. In fairness the fall tv line-up has begun so that has taken much of my focus.

(O) San Diego - Horton Plaza. (9/6 to 7, 2005, budget meeting/work) Grade: C
Thoughts: Horton Plaza is a freaking weird mall. It is a giant maze and a color nightmare. I was not in downtown SD long enough to walk around but that was alright. I'm not a huge fan of sleeping in hotel beds and downtown SD seemed a bit too "dude-ish" for me.

(O) Vegas. (9/9 to 11,2005, fun) Grade: B
Thoughts: I remember liking Vegas a lot more. Maybe it was because I was winning money at the time. Whatever the case this was one of the more laid back Vegas trips I had. No hard drinking, no staying up too late, no gambling tons ... pretty much just kicking back and chilling. I got to check out the new Wynn hotel (pretty nice) and the mall built near by it.

(O) Palm Desert. (9/15 to 16, 2005, budget meeting/work) Grade: C
Thoughts: Palm Desert is a very interesting place. You can be driving and driving in the middle of no where and then bang! you find this little community of people and shops and homes. You know there are 120 golf courses out there. WTF. I usually drive out there for Coachella but it never occurred to me there was like this whole little town out there. Go figure. On the way back I passed by the Rivercity. Wow has that place changed and developed. There are tons of new buildings and the school looks like it has totally expanded. I should go visit one day.

(O) Hawaii. (9/17 to 21, 2005, fun) Grade: A-
Thoughts: I would give a solid A but see I'm not a huge fan of the sun, ask Darth how deathly afraid of it I am. To be honest the whole water, sun and sand thing does not settle well with me. However, I did like the hikes we went on to Manoa Falls and Diamond Head. The falls were amazing because it was so rich in the lush rainforest environment. Amazing stuff. Oh and I could not get enough of that wonderful shaved ice. Yummers.


bleed like me said...

oh no! poor FTC, has to travel to all these places :'(
can u say RICH & SPOILED?!?!
and to you-know-who: No, u cant say it ;)

Curelover said...

pffft trust me FTC i'm so poor now and in fairness two of those trips were work related. BOOOOO!!! oh well. FOOOOOORRRRRRR TTTTTHHHHHEEEEE CCCCHHHEEEESSSSEEEEE!!!!!!

Curelover said...

what about super bowl janet or scream janet or if janet or again janet or that's the way love goes janet or icon janet or different strokes janet ???