Wednesday, July 20

Devil's Playground (2002, Documentary - Lucy Walker) Grade: C

This was about some of the Amish kids who go through the process called Rumspringa where when they turn 16 they are allowed to enter the world outside their personal community and experience what the rest of America experiences (smoking, drinking, drugs, sex, electricity, etc.). They then choose whether to stay a part of the outside world or to come back to the Amish community, commit their lives to the church and get married, have children, and go to heaven. I really am glad that the kids have a choice in all this. Though it's sorta a choice with consequences. If they choose to not join the church they are considered dead by the community and their parents and are never spoken to again. So, though it's not a completely free of restriction choice, it's not forced upon them which I like. The documentary follows a couple kids going through this process. It's interesting to watch and only about an hour and fifteen minutes long. It could have been shorter even and you wouldn't have lost anything.

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