Tuesday, July 19

Capturing The Friedmans (2003, Andrew Jarecki - Documentary) Grade: B

Jewish father (Arnold Friedman) of 3 boys and public school teacher has a little problem with child pornography. After the police in his town discover this, they investigate children in his after school home taught computer class. Whether students voluntarily admitted to being molested and raped, or whether they were somehow coerced is not set in stone. Though the extent of the charges against the father of this family are probably exagerated it's not certain whether thay are completely false or not. Not only is Arnold accused of the crime but his youngest son Jesse Friedman is also accused of raping and molesting these young boys. This is quite an interesting documentary that leaves it up to you to decide whether the arrested are guilty or not, sort of like in the documentary 'Paradise Lost' (which I also recommend).

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