Monday, June 6

(M) Word Wars (Documentary about Scrabble, 200?) Grade: B
The movie seemed to be more about these 4 guys (and more-so 3 guys) who are interesting characters who happen to also play scrabble. There was some interviews with people who play scrabble at a park in New York as well. The movie starts 9 months away from the National Scrabble Associations Tournament in San Diego and builds up through the winning game.
Let me say, these guys are OBSESSED with Scrabble. It is amazing to see the words these guys know and things they do to learn these words. It's also interesting with some of the stories, and effects used to show possible scrabble moves and how many different words can be made out of somebodies rack of letters. I watched this thing twice and will probably end up with my own personal copy of it because now I am being sucked into wanting the word knowledge of these people so I can get good at this game. The documentary is probably only like 80 minutes.
If you like scrabble I would recommend it and if you are like me and hate scrabble because you SUCK at it but know you'd love it if you were good at it... I'd recomend this also, maybe it will motivate you in some way.

Annograms: Britney Spears = Presbyterians = Best In Prayers


Cup-O-Noodles said...

Axl Rose = Oral Sex


Hedwig said...


ohh yeah i came up with that AFTER taking an 8 HOUR exam!!!! beat that!