Wednesday, June 8

(M) My Flesh and Blood (Documentary, 2003) Grade: A
This is about a single woman in California who after having two male kids of her own adopts a Korean girl because she always wanted a girl. Later she is contacted by the adoption agency about a child with "special needs" and she adopts that child... eventually she has adopted 13 children with "special needs". Some with no legs, some with skin eating diseases, one with cystic fibrosis, a mentally "challenged" child. And she raises all these kids on her own.
Side note: if you saw the movie Palindromes, this is where Todd got the idea for the Christian family who adopts special needs children.

This is only an hour and 20 minutes long but it's trully AMAZING. You get a brief story about each child. Some children are focused on more than others. There are many heart breaking moments in this movie and I think it's the first movie in years upon years upon years to actually cause tears to fall from my eyes.

This movie can be rather depresssing but it's also fascinating. There are good fun times mixed in with the bad, as you can maybe imagine the pressure of rasing a 13 child family of kids who all have problems. Rent it. It's..... A-mazing!

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