Thursday, May 26

Fox 11 News at 10: Grade A+
Last night after the American Idol Finale on the Fox 11 news they were interviewing Constantine and asked him if he could kick as high as the camera. He said he didn't think he could kick that high. They said, "Go ahead and try." Constantine then swings his leg up with so much momentum that he falls backwards right on his ASS!!! HAHA!!! IDIOT!!!! I loved it. This idiot who makes stupid faces and kicks at camera's finally did what I always hoped to see... him flat on his ass on television. It would have been even better if it happened during the Finale show but I was just happy to see it. You're a winner in my book Constantine. HAHA!


Curelover said...

man hedwig i so agree with you. i was like can you please shut up because babyface is trying to sing. HE IS THE MAN. good grief she was bad.

Cup-O-Noodles said...

And why was her hand 5 inches from his package? Girrrrrl.... YOU A SLUT!