Wednesday, April 27

No no, let's play the Talk about American Idol Game. Bo did great last night. Sayonara Scott! (Note: I swear this is the first real season that I started watching American Idol.) And Darth, if you're gonna hate on American Idol, at least do it publicly and not anonymously. Heh.

(TV) I want a Famous Face: Britney Spears (MTV, April 26, 05). Grade: F.
Well, okay I guess I'm giving the girl on the show an F. Perfectly cute with a nice body, this girl wanted to get plastic surgery (rhinoplasty, cheek implants, and breast implants) to look like Britney Spears and "cure her shyness." She used to be outgoing, but after being in 2 really bad relationships, she lost her confidence and became extremely shy. She had no self esteem whatsoever. All her friends and family told her she didn't need any surgeries, but she didn't believe them. ALSO she wanted to become a stripper to cure her shyness. It was one of those episodes where you're yelling at the television. (Hellooo, becoming a stripper and changing your appearance isn't going to automatically change who you are inside. Now you're shy and sweet, but you look like a whore!) Her new face came out nice (she was already cute to begin w/), and her boobs were HUGE.....Sigh. When will girls understand that you can't buy self worth and esteem?

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