Thursday, April 14

(M) Sin City. (2005, Frank Miller, Robert Rodriguez) Grade: C

Thoughts: I thought it looked pretty cool in the previews, dabs of color on black and white...and that part is cool...but the novelty wears off relatively fast and then you are stuck with a movie that jumps around, has no real redeeming characters, or even developed characters. The three stories jump out at you and run around really fast leaving you dizzy and mostly annoyed. I almost fell asleep on two occasions, but LOUD NOISES (thanks brick) kept me from falling completely asleep. This may have something to do with earlier festivities....

(O) Santa Anita Microbrew. (2005, Santa Anita Racetrack) Grade: B+

Thoughts: What better way to spend a Saturday afternoon then going to the race track and enjoy a beer....or 13....haha. They aren't full pints they are about 7-10 oz each, but still cool. You go in and buy tickets rather than give each station money. Less hassle and keeps the lines moving. For the most part it was pretty empty, til about an hour before it closed and everyone lined up to get those last drops of precious beer....mmmm beer.

(M) Closer. (2004, Mike Nichols) Grade: B

Thoughts: I liked this movie cause i thought that each of the actors played their part how they were supposed too. Julia was a cold bitch, but thats how i perceive her to be so it works out...haha...I agree that this would be a cool play to watch but i thought that it was an above average movie nonetheless.

(O) Dodgers Opening Day. (2005, Dodger Stadium) Grade: A+

Thoughts: Got tickets to the game the day before and after trying to call some friends to go, no one was available so I went with my mom. Quite possibly the greatest game that I ever went too. Comeback in the bottom of the 9th to score 4 runs. Great way to end it. Crowd was somewhat rowdy, saw a couple of fights, and of course there were a lot of drunks, but that what makes Dodger Stadium the great place that it is. Dodger food still great!

1 comment:

Mac the Knife said...

i'd like to get closer with jude law, in the talented mr. ripley!