Wednesday, April 20

(M) Shan-chung ch'uan-ch'i (Legend of the Mountain). (1979, King Hu) Grade: C
Thoughts: An old old Chinese film. Slow and strange ... pretty much just weird.

(M) Ge ge de qing ren (Three Summers). (1992, Lawrence Ah Mon) Grade: C+
Thoughts: A teenage coming of age Chinese film. The movie was a bit too sunny/happy for my taste but Tony was in it.

(M) Woodsman. (2004, Nicole Kassell) Grade: B
Thoughts: A dark, scary, gritty look into the mind of a pedophile. It is difficult to watch the movie due to the subject matter but Kevin Bacon as Walter did a superb job. The rest of the cast which included Kyra Sedgwick, Eve, Mos Def and David Alan Grier were great. The director never made you feel bad for Walter like he was a victim ... but more made you look at him as a disturbed indiviual trying to make sense of everything.

(M) Oldboy. (2003, Chan-wook Park) Grade: A-
Thoughts: Korean people are fu*ked up! I've officially decided this. This movie is so sick and twisted and jacked up ... it really makes you wonder about those Korean. All jokes aside though, the film was well done and the acting, especially by Min-sik Choi (Dae-su Oh aka Oldboy) was wonderful. I won't go into too much detail about the movie for those interested in seeing it but be warned the subject matter is disturbing and there is quite a bit of violence. However after watching as many Asian films as I have you get use to that part.

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