Thursday, April 21

I don't know what the hell is going on with American Idol (though I'm completely addicted). Anwar now? Before Scott and Anthony? SERIOUS PEOPLE!??!!? If I could have picked how I wanted American Idol to turn out, here would be my list:
12 - Mikalah Gordon

11 - Lindsey Cardinale

10 - Nikko Smith

09 - Anthony Fedorov

08 - Constantine (double chinned) Maroulis

07 - Scott Savol

06 - Jessica Sierra

05 - Anwar Robinson

04 - Carrie Underwood

03 - Bo Bice

02 - Vonzell Solomon

01 - Nadia Turner (Mario Vasquez if he hadn't quit)


Curelover said...

um the fact that you can list all the american idol people and rate them disturbs me greatly ... but at the same time why was anwar kicked off. geez.

Cup-O-Noodles said...

Well... by going to the web-site I can get all the names and then rank them. But yes... I am crazy.