Wednesday, April 13

Couple of side notes:

-Shirley Manson IS smoking hot as New Wave says, and even way hotter when she's performing. Damn, it's enough for someone to cross over to the other team. I'm just saying. It's too bad I didn't go to their show this week.
-Sin City was blah okay. Great visually, but overall nothing to write home about.
-Waking up earlier than you are used to everyday sucks.
-Looking forward to Palindromes, the new Todd Solonz movie. Hope it's not as bad as Storytelling.

(Sluts like You - What about crazy Janet? What about show your boob Janet? What about I'm so sick of your cleavage Janet?)


Curelover said...

how is that communte going ... painful huh. man i'm such a fan of show your boobs Janet and sick of your cleavage Janet but when was there ever crazy Janet. the only crazy Jackson i know is her brother.

Hedwig said...

DUDE! no one was complaining about her boobs on the Janet cover. they looked great lol.