Thursday, March 31

Yes Mac, New Wave's death threats are quite scary. we all fear her wrath..haha..i kid i kid.

i am bored at work right now, well not really , just don't feel like working. i'll ramble for a while. Terry Schiavo finally passed away today, what i didn't get was that why so many people were crying afterwards for a person that they never knew or even cared about until about 2 weeks ago. Are they crying cause they didn't get their way and are acting like 2 years olds? If they are really sad cause it wasn't God's will, then wouldn't they be happy to know that she is now in a better place? Secondly these people can say all that they want, but they aren't the ones who are trapped in her world, never being able to grasp what is around your or really live again. Come talk to me when you are in her condition. I think that what Terry probably really wanted was not to have her photograph and video all over the news and to die in peace (thanks kenny).

Quick thoughts:
Pope on not doing so well: poor little pope
Baseball Season starts this week: finally...go blue go
Star Wars Toys go onsale tomorrow: i heard some losers are going to be there in line hours before.......oh wait..umm..ahh crap.
Lost: really good last night, driving me and hedwig nuts.
Talk Radio: music isn't good now-a-days...710 all day everyday.
Final Four: Go Illini!

may the with you.

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