Sunday, February 6

(M) Hannah and Her Sisters (1986, Woody Allen) Grade: B-
This follows mainly the lives of three sisters and one of the sister's ex-husbands (played by Woody Allen). Everyone in the family views Hannah as sort of the star child with everything to give and to want for nothing. The chaotic life of Hannah's two other sisters make them envious of Hannah as well as possessing a mutual disdain for her. The movie deals with relationships (family and marriage) as well as life and the meaning within' it. The film was up for Best Picture but lost to Platoon. Some view this to be Allen's best (even better than Annie Hall). Though it reaches outside of the relationship issue and tackles more topics, I preferred other movies by Allen such as Annie Hall and Manhattan. Love & Death was also a favorite. None the less I shall leave you with a few excerpts from the movie I found amusing:

"You can't do a skit about child molestation, it's a touchy subject with the affiliates."
"Read the papers, half the country's doing it."
"Yes, but you name names."
"We don't name names, we say, The Pope."

"If the test came back positive & I had a brain tumor I was gonna shoot myself with a rifle I bought last week. Then I realized how devastated my parents would be & so I'd have to shoot them first, & then my aunt and uncle, it was gonna be a bloodbath."

"If there is a God then why were there Nazi's?"
"How the hell should I know why there were Nazi's, I don't even know how the can opener works."

"To me Catholicism means die now, pay later."

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