Monday, February 14

(M) Fei Hap Siu Baak Lung (White Dragon). (2004, Wilson Yip) Grade: B
Thoughts: Martial arts, fight scenes, a love story ... no I'm not talking about crappy House of Flying Daggers. White Dragon stars Cecilia Cheung and Francis Ng. Francis Ng's character is a super kung fu fighter ... and bind, makes sense right. He goes around killing people who deserve to die for the bad deeds they have done. Cecilia Cheung, who is set to wed a handsome prince, leads the double lifestyle of being a fighter/rich pretty girl who goes after Francis Ng. You can tell where this is going ... romance all the way. The film was light and funny and sometimes silly but it worked overall.

(M) Yesterday Once More. (2004, Johnnie To) Grade: D-
Thoughts: You would think with the cast and director this movie had a flying chance of making it but alas nope. When the movie ended I went WTF?? Maybe I expected something .. too much considering this is same cast (Sammi Cheng and Andy Lau) and director (Johnnie To) who have done great films like Love on a Diet and Needing You (a personal favorite of mine). The characters were all hatable and you didn't care what happened to them, the story was boring, the ending was terrible with the main character dying. It had that Cruel Intentions feel to it ... rich people doing bad things with death minus Reese Witherspoon.

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