Sunday, November 7

so i guess it's my turn to blog? haha...skimmy i'm still waiting on that synopsis of last weeks everwood...tick tock tick tock!

so this is a really, lame, girl thing, but why is it that i get annoyed when my bf is out there having fun without me and makes it worse by not calling me to say hi? i was talking to my guy friend and he said that the whole 'calling' thing is a girl thing and that it's dumb. i mean i'm glad he's having fun, but the calling thing lets me know he's thinking of me, so that i know when he says "i wish you were here", that he's not just bullshitting me cuz i'm on the phone. blah. and THEN i can't let stupid things like that go and then it gets all bottled up inside and i end up being mad at him, when he techincally didn't really do anything wrong. *shrug*

that pic you put up is scary as hell. makes me think of that book series "left behind"...hehe.

i'm gonna start studying...nice talking to you again new wave! haha

blog people blog! i like reading random thoughts and yours are so much better than my own!

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