Hello to the house. I love this recent string of overcast weather. It's fabulous.
Today, I went to a store and a vagrant asked for some money. He seemed really helpless and pretty down-and-out. I told him when I get some change first from the store. I know people usually frown upon giving money to the homeless because it will just help them buy drugs or whatever but I find it easier for me to give them a dollar or something than just ignore them. Anyway, I have my dollar ready but then I see him arrested by two policemen. For all I know it was a very good thing, but I still felt sympathy for the guy. It just seems like some vicious cycle that certain people can't get out of. Man, I'm depressing. Ho hum.
On a lighter topic, the new Green Day album is surprisingly good. Who thought I would like Green Day? And it's not 1994. Very odd. So let's recap: I'm anticipating the deluxe Nirvana box set and I'm liking Green Day again. I think I used Uncle Rico's time machine and accidentally switched it to 1994. (I thought you'd appreciate that Dorkus.)
1 comment:
Yeah, you shouldn't give money to homeless people because they're just going to use it to go buy drugs and alcohol. Then again, that's what I was going to use the money for anyway. Who am I to judge them?
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