Thursday, September 16

good gosh no one blogs. the house is so empty now ... eh oh well. i figure i'll be shuting this site down in a bit ... just no point. heck i'm not even blogging anymore.

nothing really much to say ... but when is there ever. its strange because other people find the oddest things to blog about and yea sometimes it is interesting but other times it is like wtf is the point of all this rambling. i can think of a few e-mails that are like that. some people blog about their emo life and how hard it is to be middle class and so sad all the time. okay now i'm being those people who just ramble.

here are some cool sites to check out and laugh about:

the answer to all your dating questions.

blogging in LA - a pretty funny site ... lots of stuff about life in LA

blogging in OC - haven't actually read but i figured for you OC peeps.

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