Wednesday, September 1

ever notice other blog sites when visiting ours. people write about the most (un)interesting topics going on in and outside their world. so to break the continuous talk about the cure ... i'll blog about the 2004 election.

while flipping through the channels yesterday i came across the bush girls speaking at the RNC. i did not pay much attention to what they spoke about, i was more concerned about how they came across. they giggled through most of their scripted dialogue and sounded as unintelligent as their father, it was difficult to even get through a solid minute of it all. i'm not sure what their presence was suppose to do but i felt very angry so if that was the goal they accomplished it.

personally i don't think kerry is a good candidate (and no i won't go into a 50 hour discussion on why i think that) who will make any changes BUT considering what we currently have ... i would prefer kerry. however, the race has been so close and november is just around the corner which leaves the question of who will be our president a big blank. the pessimist of me thinks we are going to get bush for another 4 years but is the alternative kerry really going to make a difference? i know how i'm going to vote come nov. 2 but i can say i won't 100% feel confident about it.

along the same vein, i’m getting tired of watching celebs/musicians discuss their political views. the most recent occurrence of this was the mtv VMA’s. although i did not watch the program i did catch highlights from the kevin and bean show on kroq and through yahoo news. so just to clarify if puffy wears a shirt that read “vote or die” i for sure better vote because puff daddy told me to??? i just don’t get it.

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