Thursday, June 3

i need to put up directions on how to set up the picture thing. here is the link to the page if you want to start and just mess around with it until you get it. if you don't feel comfortable ... i'll have step by step directions up in a few days.

in response to dorkus and the money/401k thing ... okay seriously who needs that much money when you are old though. after all the investments in mutal funds and the diverse portfolio of stocks and options and you figure you would owe your house and crap by then ... oh wait ha ha that's only me and the cheap world i live in. hmmm okay i guess dorkus you do have a point then.

mac i hate your lazy life.

watched some films but i'll give my movie reviews another time.

hey rancid don't worry about getting married ... marriage is for suckers and people from the OC.

the diana arbus exhib. was rad at lacma. good stuff.

much like darth's top 10 random thoughts i will do 5:
1. why are the cure driving me up the wall with the choices they are making for their new album and tour (sigh)?
2. why do strange co workers tell you about their life story?
3. why do selfish people tell you about their lives when you clearly don't care but they think you do and then you have to treat them nice when they treat you like crap?
4. can someone explain why the simpsons ROCK?
5. why is it already june ... wtf?

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