Friday, June 4

Hey you guys, just wanted to let you know that I got served last night. I'm okay, even though I got served here and here and here. Seriously though, this movie is so horribly bad it's great. I mean, come on, one of the characters (played by Steve Harvey) is named Mr. Rad... Mr. Rad!!! And his best worst line goes something like this: "Okay, you guys, after the dance off, we're all going to shake hands and be friends because friendship is the most important thing." Oh, excuse me while I vomit. Thanks. I'm back now. Steve Harvey is NOT funny - he is like the black Rick Dees.

Also, another character is named Beautifull. "with two L's." Please. You ugly.

Bad script (laughable though), nothing makes sense, random things happen, the OC kids are annoying - too bad they didn't have a big white raised truck, really good dance moves (you have to give them credit for that - those dancers have some crazy moves), best worst lines ever.

Best scene: After the OC kids get served, everyone joins in with a "Served! Served! Served! Served!" chant. Really.

As far as dance movies go, I have seen way worse (Honey, Bring It On Again). At least this one was entertaining in a good bad way...Really though, wouldn't I just be in heaven if they came out with Not Another Dance Movie??? I'm in!


Mac the Knife said...

steve harvey has never once made me laugh. he needs to be gone from the public eye and needs to go back to hosting showtime at the apollo, very late at night.

Hedwig said...

i got served a couple of days ago and i must agree it was pretty bad...good dancing(for the most part) but REALLY BAD writing. i love how the OC guy's name is Wade and his teams name is "Wade's Team" and then the real Wade Robson hosts the final competition.

my cousin and i were predicting something different for the young kid "lil saint"--that they would use him as their "secret weapon" but we were wrong....see not all dance movies are that predictable. haha

The dancing...was really good BUT i hated how they breaked so much and spotlighted one person. it's a dance TEAM competition. i always hated that. But y'all know CSA EVOLUTION! would beat all those suckas! We'd serve it up real nice. :P