Sunday, June 27

hey all i have not blogged for quite some time. i started school 2 weeks ago and i have only had time to study for the most part. i have no internet connection at home right now, so i have very limited opportunites to use a computer, but i do not miss it much. i do miss my beautiful fantasy baseball team though, but i get to check up on it every once in a while. i do not watch the tube at all anymore, and i can gladly say that i do not miss any of the craptacular shows. tv is evil and horrible. i am keeping up with some current events though. for instance the last beheading. i feel terrible for what happened to him, he was not even a military man, he was just there to help out, but he was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

diclaimer: i do not point this fact out because i am korean, but i do so because i believe it is morally/ethically wrong to force someone/thing/country, to do something they do not want to do, but are forced to do so out of a necessity for their own safety.

okay so here is what pisses me off, the president of the U.S. stated, to quote loosely, that he is sad that this happened, but will not be deterred by these acts of violence and will continue on his mission, and that these threats do not scare him. i know that the previous 2 beheadings were of american citizens, but this last guy was a korean citizen. so why was this korean guy beheaded in the first place? oh i know why, because the president decided to tell (threaten) the south koreans that he would start pulling troops out of S. Korea, (12,000 out of 36,000 and then subsequently more) if they did not help by sending in korean troops to a war that they should not even be involved with. this is a bunch of b.s. obviously the south koreans need the "protection" from the u.s. military, because of the threat of north korea, but the president is using it as a "strategory" piece to have another country supposedly be on their side. this is some major B.S., if south korea would have helped with free will, then so be it, but it should not be because they were pretty much imposed on (forced) to do so.

those of you who will say, that S. Korea owes the U.S. their gratitude for helping them in the Korean war, are right. but remember the U.S. was not forced to bring their troops over to Korea, they were asked for help, and they
offered their help for more than one reason. one being to actually help out, but the other to gain a foothold in Asia. this is totally different from that, and i cannot cover all the bases by blogging, but please feel free to post or leave a message on anything that i may have left out, and i will try to answer to the best of my capabilities.

1 comment:

Hedwig said...

i kno this is late but i'm in europe hehe. my tour guide is a history buff so i learned that one of the reasons why the US entered the korean war was to battle communism as part of the Cold War...just thought i'd share