Sunday, April 11

Best Worst line from Bring It On Again (yeah yeah): "Why suck when we can NOT suck?"

First Runner-Up: "Oh yeah, well you wax your butt!"

(Note to self: Why oh why do I do this to myself??)

Moving on...I recently purchased the Jem and the Holograms: First and Second Complete Seasons DVD Set...omg it is SO "truly outrageous"!!!!! I love it. You are automatically transported back in time when you watch this cartoon. After watching a couple episodes, I have figured out that there are various "rules" the cartoon follows. For instance:

1. Rich people appear out of nowhere. Example: Jem and the Holograms are performing at a Battle of the Bands, and out of nowhere, a rich producer offers the winner of the battle of the bands a movie contract, $$$$, and a mansion to live in. Second example: Jem and her crew are at the mansion and out of nowhere a rich French countess appears and invites them to her yacht party. (The same goes for villains. As soon as one exits, another appears out of thin air.)
2. Bad animation. I'm pretty much convinced they hired several different artists to draw the cartoon, and then they piece it together. Example: In one scene, Jem's pink eye shadow disappears, then appears again, then disappears. Second example: Rio (Jerrico/Jem's bf) eyes change from blue to purple. Third example: There's two different theme songs; you can never guess which one they're gonna play.
3. Lack of security for any of the villains. Example: A bad guy gets onto the set of Jem's movie and knocks over a gargoyle off the top of the building. Second example: The Misfits find their way onto the yacht and ruin the party. Well, they ruin everything actually. (If however, there happens to be a security guard, the Misfits use their conniving way to get in, and they ALWAYS do.) Funny side note: One security guard says to the Misfits: "Who do you think you are? Duran Duran?"
4. When you are angry, knock over furniture. Every single time the Misfits get angry which is pretty much all the time, they knock over furniture to show how angry they are.
5. All Jem songs sound the same. All Misfits songs sound the same.
6. Rio must always save Jem from sort of physical danger, causing Jerrica (who is Jem) to get jealous. Um yeah, Jerrica is jealous of herself. She crazy!
7. Nothing should ever make sense. Example: Why would Jerrica's dad leave her a hologram machine (Synergy), a closet full of rockstar outfits, a cool car, but not enough money to take care of herself? I don't know. Don't try to think about it either. Things not making sense if probably the best thing about the show. You are sitting there most of the time going, "Huh??"

Okay, I can go on and on about the show. Bottom line: I love this dvd set. It's truly addicting. Oh yeah, The Misfits rock, Jem and the Holograms suck!

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