Wednesday, November 26

hello house. the eve before the holiday season is upon us, and traffic is going to be sooo much fun today. i'm so excited in a jesse spano kind of way. skimmy, zo is no longer a part of the NBA as i'm sure you know, and it saddens me. he was my favorite player as well at one point. there's nothing wrong with country music, as a portion of the r&b stuff out there are covers of older country songs. don't turn this house into a "everything, but country" place. haha. i just found out i get to leave in 10 minutes. woo hoo. hurrah for me. now i get to drive up through sd traffic, into oc traffic, and finally into la traffic. i think it's gonna be the time of my life. new wave hopefully you ease in so enough, so that you can Cure your work place anxiety a bit. rich girls sounds great, but i'm really looking forward to the paris hilton reality show, i'm sure she's just as dumb if not dumber. i heard they're going to turn it into a porn show, oh wait.....wrong thing. hahaha.

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