Tuesday, September 23

inland invasion sounded like a good time. with a bunch of old bands. ha ha.
tonight i saw hot hot heat at the hob in anaheim. i got severely lost because i didn't know the hob was deeply embedded within downtown disney. i thought it was on the street, like l.a. and i found out that the lights really do take forever to change in the o.c. lame. and there are a lot of little skater kids running around. so after the show i hightailed it back to l.a. ha ha.
the hot hot heat show was okay. i didn't pay for my ticket so what did i care. i did see kelly osbourne, yet again. she must go to every show known to man. geez.
so at work today alllll these people were talking about the emmys afterparties and who they schmoozed with. which made me think of this andy warhol quote (i don't know it word for word) - Los Angeles and Hollywood are full of plastic people. But I like plastic. I want to be plastic.

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