Monday, July 7

"things dont have to be this way, catch me on a better day" ("fix me now" by garbage is on)
ok so last nite, i went to my first rave ever, and most likely the last one. it was a very underground rave, well i'm assuming it was, cos there were like 100 people there. we thought it was going to be in glendale, which seemed kinda weird, but it turned out that the glandale site was just a place to get tickets and directions to the actual rave which was in LANCASTER!!!! argh!!! so i drove out there. they played music called "happy hardcore" which is really fast, and i just couldn't get into, guess it was due to my drug-free self. i should have thrown some alcohol in my trunk *sigh* anyway, i ended up spending 10 bucks to take naps in my car in the middle of nowhere. oh yeah, and i got to see some e-tards sit on the dirt getting a light show, fun stuff (rolls eyes)
to make matters worse, i arrived home at approximately 6:30 a.m., woke up at 9 a.m. and worked from 11 until 8 pm. jobs suck MAJOR ASS!! i used to do nothing, but at least i knew i did nothing but stay home and waste the day away. now, i go to work, get all tired and sleepy, come home, sleep, and know i did nothing all day. at least before i was just chillaxing all day long, and it was all good. i guess i will feel differently when i get paid and actually have something to show for my pain. hehe, as if my job is hard. but hey, sundays at best buy are BUSY!!! we supposedly closed at 6 pm, but people were still coming in at 6:20 and i rang someone up at 6:45. NOTE TO EVERYONE: please! dont go to a store after they are closed and try to do some shopping!!!! its sooo annoying.
ok, well thats all for now
later lates
ending with "hanging around" by the cardigans

oh yeah, dorkus, i wanted to ask u what 80s club that is. thanks :D

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