Intro: The Samples - Feel Us Shaking
Hello everyone. The sweetest thing happened today. After work I went out surfing by myself, and I was waiting for my wave, I saw a fin come up out of the ocean. First thought was, oh crap, a shark. First reaction, poop my pants. Second thought, wait sharks don't have curved fins and come up for air. Second reaction, not stink up my pants, and realize the awesome sight i'm seeing. Yes as I was out there, I saw a dolphin a mere 10 feet away from me. It was one of those sights that's just pure. I saw it come up for air and dive back under a few times until it was out of my view. That's the closest I have ever been to one not counting Sea World and the likes, so I must say that it was good stuff. Another guy told me there were 3 of them, but I only saw 1.
After this I caught my first wave ever on my board. I have been going out for the past week and a half now, and I must say, the feeling was incredible, I felt such adrenaline rushing through me. Just plain rad. I failed horribly after that, but I do know that i'm making progress, and that's all that really counts for me. Shortboards are so much harder than longboards, but after getting on my shorty, I feel that I reached a milestone, because it was one of those things I told myself i'd do before I died, and i've done it! I'm not quitting now, but it's just a great feeling. Sorry if this seems very focused on me, but i'm excited as crap right now. Thank you have a good day!
Outro: Pearl Jam - Yellow Ledbetter
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