Monday, July 21

i would like to be the first to say, who gives a rats ass about kobe. this is only magnified because he is a celebrity, and to make matters worse, he plays for the hollywood lakers. i hate that the media drills into the mind of people that all celebs are better than normal people so they are put on pedestals and others are supposed to be in awe in their presence. all i hear is kobe this, kobe that. big freaking deal, if it was an average joe, not even .000000001% of the population would know or care about it. truth is it happens. anyways, as far as him being a kind, caring, human being. nobody knows that. only the people he surrounds himself with. whatever image he portrays from the media may or may not be his real persona. if he is guilty of the crime though, i hope he gets a deserving punishment and not some gay ass slap on the wrist

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