Saturday, June 7

hiya. just got back from my first ever dodger game. it was alright. i don't think i'll spend another twenty to go again though. i was half paying attention/half reading but baseball IS slow so why not multi-task... the dodger dog was okay. not too yummy. i have a bit of a tummy ache actually. hm, i think the highlight was the random fight in the parking lot. that was entertaining. hah hah.
as for the spending money on frivolous items discussion... i do it all the time. not a good thing but i don't think it's completely a bad thing either. because it gives me some enjoyment albeit temporarily. and sometimes money doesn't do any good just sitting around collecting dust.
i went to a wherehouse sale today. it was so l.a. new wave, you missed out. not only were trucker hats majorly discounted, you could overhear conversations of people talking about their PR person, agent, or latest audition. go l.a.!

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