Monday, June 30

hi people. wow what's with dissing all the great flicks? haha. i'm the king of crappy movies, so if you want a list of what not to see i'll post them up for you, i'll probably do it anyways, sometime in the near future.

new wave, i'd like to thank you for my testimonial, haha it's great. haha. i almost completed my set too, i just need 2 more for the brightwood 8. that automatically gives me 10 bonus points i think.

as far as this friday, yes i believe that darth and i should be on the same team, since we are always on the same team in football and softball, ever since we started playing sports together. oh wait! that's right, nobody lets us play on the same team. so we have never been able to do so. please let us do it, please, even the Herlihy Boy thinks we should be able to. one more thing to add, darth you are a great football and softball player, i commend you.

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