hello! i realized i have been MIA for awhile now. well, two weeks... let's see. i've been busy following idlewild. hah hah. my trip north was tops! the venue in sac was so small, i was able to talk to the bands. which makes me wonder, if a band member is hanging around after the show and you make chit chat like, hey i liked your set... blah blah. does that make you look like a groupie or something? i'm never sure if they like to be bothered. but then if they didn't i guess they would stay backstage rather than sit in front with everyone else? anyway, the sac show was so much better than the l.a. one. first of all, the crowd was 21 and over up north whereas the l.a. one had teenagers. then people were dressed very hipster... what's with wearing black sunglasses indoors? can they see anything? oh, and the 80s is officially back people. if you didn't know, check out urban outfitters. let's all pull out our off the shoulder shirts, neon colored tights, and plastic black bracelets. plus, most of the people there didn't seem to be big idlewild fans. with the exception of a few who were really rawkin', most people just stood there with detatched disinterest. making it clear they were just there to be seen. argh! l.a. people! which is why new wave would want to kill herself if she went to ucla. hah hah.
but overall i had fun because i was a bit tipsy. oh, and dorkus you don't have to buy me drinks in the plural. because i am an extreme lightweight. one will do! seriously. but that's good because it's cheaper. ;o)
hey darth, did new wave tell you about the offer a rep gave us for dodgers' box seats? hee hee. there are several nights and he listed all the giveaways too. our svp wants our team to go to at least one but i have NO interest. sitting around watching a ballgame? booooring!
hm, last note to dorkus: i was reading an article on BK and he said he's psyched to play coachella because then he has an opportunity to see the other acts play. hope i run into him. he seems so interesting... in that weird, dork kind of way.
oh, and congrats to everyone on all their good news.
i'm off to see idlewild in san diego. should be a good show because (1) it's not in l.a. (2) it's a 21 and over club
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