Friday, April 25

friday night and i'm at home blogging ... what can i say ... i'm sick ... or well trying to get better. so i was surfing the net like i always do and found blog sites like blogger. i thought i would list some i like in case anyone at the house wanted to create their own page:

Xanga - my friend actually has a page here .. it is pretty cool.
BlogStudio - much like Blogger.
LiveJournal - this one is pretty good, there seems to be a lot of stuff you can do with it.
DeadJournal - a rip on LiveJournal.

eh just some sites to check out.

moving on ... okay darth i think we have already covered the whole "how dirty is MPK and why we should not eat there" topic at the house so we can move on but i just want to state not everyone prepares food the same way. that's all i'm saying.

as for scientology ... yea not my thing but then again some people might not find christianity to be their thing either but that's cool ... oh hedwig to answer your question i have to say plain and simple if the shoe was on the other foot would you feel that was cheating ... just think about it that way. personally i think it is cheating because you can't have feeling for one person and be in a committed relationship with another ... not fair.

on the beat box: nothing
on my mind: nothing
on the telly: nothing .. it's friday ... come on

i will close with this ... something i found on another person's blog page which i thought was funny:

"For all you boneheads, and you know who you are, that think you have to make a statement, let me clue you in on the real world.

Nobody cares if you leave or not. Nobody cares what your statement is. Nobody cares if you walk out having a hissey fit. Because, if you don't own your own business, you work for someone. That someone can get rid of your ugly butt anytime they see fit. If you are going to threaten to walk away because you don't get your way, be prepared to walk. Be prepared to say "Do you want that biggie sized?' because that's about the only job you will be able to get.

Like Martin Sullivan, you're not that big of deal. You're not that important. You're not going to stop the world or business. Get a life.
Someone will be happy to jump in and take over.

If you don't like what your boss is doing or you didn't get what you wanted, so what? Either shut up and get on with business or leave. Just don't interrupt anyone else trying to make a living. No one is going to listen to you anyway."

- from The Cynical Curmudgeon

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