Monday, April 21

first off i just want to state whatever is posted in the house is the opinion of THAT individual and SOLELY them ..... this is an open forum and all opinions should be resepected even if you don't agree with them. anyone in the house who feels uncomfortable about this are more than welcome to leave.

moving on i just want to say sorry to anyone who ever felt i was out there to tear them down, anyone who ever felt my only intention in life was to pick out all their faults and make them 100% aware of them. i never intended that and i'm sorry to any individuals who felt that way. yes i do say a lot of harsh things and yes i do pick out people's faults and who knows maybe it is just to make myself feel better ... (shurg) but i also know that people need to hear some harsh things at times to wake them up ... because they might not be aware of what they are doing. does this justify my actions ???? by all means NO. the most effective method for an individual is for them to come to terms with the flaws in their life and for them to make a change. so i would like to clearly state i will watch and be more aware of the words coming out of my mouth and make sure i am extra aware to people's sensitiveness and emotions.

on the beat box: the sigur ros cd

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