Tuesday, April 1

Congrats to Hedwig! Will you be moving to Pomona too? Stay outta the ghettoes!!!

Anyway, just a random question: Do you guys believe in having a back up? You know, someone you'll "marry" and settle down with if case you don't have someone? (Yeah, like in the Friends episode.) I don't. I was just wondering if anyone here has one. (Don't worry - I'm not looking! haha) Two of my friends are each other's back ups, and their cut off is at 30 years old. That is, if they reach 30 and haven't found someone yet, they are going to settle down w/ each other. Maybe I am more optimistic than that; Isn't there still hope after 30? Shouldn't the cut off be at around 35 or 40? AND I'm wondering how that whole back up thing works. Like, does this mean you are going to be a real married couple with all that that entails? Or are you going to have a "husband" with whom you have a platonic relationship with? I just don't get it people!

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