Saturday, March 29

ok, new wave was curious about what happened at the lunch w/ redhead's mom. i guess she just missed me and wanted to see how everything was going. she didn't even tell the redhead that she was having lunch with me. turns out the redhead hasn't talked to her about what happened w/ our relationship...and her reasoning was a)she's waiting for him to talk to her about it, also she doesn't know how to bring it up and b) she knows he isn't talking to her about it b/c he knows he wont' like what she has to say. *shrug* but it was cool she bought me lunch at the great old spag fact! she told me he was sad...and that he doesn't like himself too much and that he's been staying home lately (but i don't think this is the case this week since he is on spring break).

so that's aobut it...kinda anticlimactic there but there ya go!

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