Wednesday, February 19

are we in the UK .... are we british ...... what is with your post pigern ... all proper and formal and the usage of "u" in words like favorite. ha ha i mean i know we aren't the greatest country out there and we have this need to "help" aka control other countries smaller and weaker than oursleves but we are still in america. yea they are way more liberal up north .... not like LA folks where their biggest concerns are how nice our clothes look, how great our skin looks, and the nicest car to drive. i hate LA .... darn superficial people.

as for joe dumillionaire i didn't watch because i was trying to catch up on my jacko news. but i did see the part about zora's life and seriously was this lady for real. her name should be saint zora, she seems WAY TOO KIND to be on this horrible horrible fox show. oh well. the reality tv is getting kinda of crazy, all these people wanting their 15 mins.

on the beat box: harold and joe - the cure (i'm so madly in love with them)

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