Sunday, January 19

yup yup dorkus HP is the best!! you're not a nerd at're just super cool! I ordered mine on Fri...from B&N for 17.97 plus 4 bucks for shipping, which is cool. yay can't wait.

and...another sign that the end of the world is coming: Kangaroo Jack debuted at the #1 spot making 17.7 million. someone shoot me now.

don't worry new wave...i read the blog page, i would post more often, but i don't want to look lame b/c i would prolly post 3 times a day! hehe. anyhow, it's no fun with no heat...i haven't had heat for 2 days...and i cna't get a hold of my landlord...i'm gonna stalk his ass on tuesday when they're at the it's supposed to go down to 4 degrees at we ain't having that. i'm not gonna end up an icicle that how you spell it? ok, time to try and get back to work. wish i was in CA.

listening to: jack johnson--inaudable memories

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