Monday, November 25

first off i wasn't presuming anything, although it might seem that way because of the way i typed it. the "no?" should've probably been "or not." so that being put out of the way, i still stand by my words and say encores are lame. i just hope one day people are disappointed when a band doesn't come back out, that would be sweet. hopefully it's at an emo show though, so a flood of tears flows throughout the crowd. i will speak no more on this subject for now.

darth, man you're sweet. i think you're going to get the highest score possible, whatever it maybe on your GRE's. oh ya and darth did you see UCLA beat the crap out of USC, it was kind of like ken shamrock beating the crap out of tito ortiz. and jamal anderson winning the superbowl, what is it like 8 years in a row?

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