Saturday, October 19

yeah i know where is everyone? i am spending my weekend studying. this has got to be the saddest bday i've had ever...well it's tomorrow, but i'll be spending tomorrow studying as well. at least i get to go home on tuesday. oh btw, i had invited new wave and slut to my bday thing on friday that's at miyagi's 730pm..all housemates are welcome.

horror flicks--i dunno about top 3 but here's some i like......hmmm, sixth sense, seven(haha sorry i'm a dork, just thought it was funny it came after SIXth sense :P)--is that even considered horror?, HARRY POTTER and the SS! not scary but halloweeny :D, can't think anymore. alright time to go study again.....on to Myocarditis! bye bye

now playing: someone to call my lover--Janet remix

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