Monday, September 16

a band post-1995 can't really be as influential as say, the beatles, though because they are probably still establishing themselves as artists and the new musicians are still growing up... when these younger musicians in the mid 2000s are giving interviews and talking about what music they grew up with then maybe they will cite a group like sigor ros. 1995 was only seven years ago. it's usually difficult to reach a high level of influence in such a short amount of time. i can only think of nirvana maybe who accomplished that feat.
as for song meaning, mtv did a post-9/11 special about predictions that musicians would become more serious and write songs with deeper meaning but that didn't really happen. musicians claim they are trying to lighten up the mood, etc. but i wish there were the bob dylans of our time who would make the youth think about what the politicians and world leaders are doing or even what is happening to them locally. not that musicians must bear that responsibility but they should recognize their influence.

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