Thursday, August 29

hey juwanna, popples weren't ugly. they were cute. new wave had rock star popple who had a mic you could velcro to her hand. awesome huh? ah... memories. i love all the old toys in the eighties and early nineties. when i went to hot topic, i saw a JEM notebook that said "1986 World Tour" on the cover. yes, truly outrageous.
darth, i agree with you about the drought of worthwhile movies. i have not been to the theatre for eight weeks now. it is amazing that studios are spending money on such recycled trash. when i was watching films on the plane, i couldn't believe the unoriginality of the scripts. the last film i looked forward to was the importance of being earnest and even that was a disappointment. doesn't swim fan remind you of the crush with alicia silverstone? or some movie like that...

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