Thursday, August 1

Hey everyone....quick note last night I bowled a 243 and a 249 all new highs for me, i'm sure you are so happy for me....anyway today's rant is concerning office courtesy. If you see someone goofing off for a minute, or talking to someone do you run and tell their boss immediatly? I hope not but there are some sad sad people in our office, who spend all their time looking out for what everyone else is doing and not bothering to concetrate on their own work.....I just had a cool meeting with my supervisor who had been told by someone that they didn't think me and my two co-workers were working, when in reality I'm way caught up on my work and searching for crap to boss even said "Sh*t man, why can't people stay out of each other's business, its dumb" Now we all have to be on our very best behavior, some office people have way too much free time on their hands. Its also amazing that those who we suspect of being super nosey are always behind and having to get others help with their work, think there is some sort of corelation with their lack of work and nit-picking everyone else's activities? hmmmm.........

Random Quote of the Day: "Sooner or later, a man who wears two faces forgets which one is real" - Primal Fear

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