Saturday, July 6

pigern, you seem to be keeping yourself busy with lots of touristy things. me, on the other hand, this is the 3rd morning in a row that i've slept in til noon. i don't think that's happened since xmas. let's see...last night lisa and i were at shirley's restaurant for 6 hours during wedding stuff. pretty tedious work, but nice chatting with them (cuz it's not like i chat with them all the time, you know????). curelover and darth stopped by. i think they had a really really really fun time :) ha ha. well, it's off to shirley's for more wedding stuff today....i'm excited. for one, i actually like weddings...and two, i have no life.

i took a tylenol last night cuz my foot was hurting...that damn tylenol feels like it bruised my throat.

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