Saturday, July 27

hey juwanna man, my friend from san fran was sitting next to me and i pointed out your last blog. she said, "well he is in sacramento." so, not all north cal people suck. just those in sacramento. just kidding. when are you going to change your name? isn't that movie really old now? new wave girl, have you been getting a lot of mass emails? sorry to hear how irksome they are. hey, in only a few hours i will be at the CURE SHOW. WOOOOO!!!! maybe i'll hang out with them after the show and we could go hang out at a pub. hee hee. i actually feel sad today that everyone in my class has left. it's weird because i didn't really hang out with them that much or even talk to them but the familiarity of their presence gave me comfort. now the dorm is all filled with weird people i don't know. random quote of the day by me: the less i know you the more i like you. random thought of the day: never underestimate the importance of a perfectly elevated pillow. song of the day: ANYTHING BY THE CURE.

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