Sunday, July 14

ATTENTION: hey everyone i changed our template because the other one was boring. this one has a "recommended website" and "e-mail corner" section. if you guys have any sites that you think is worthy to be looked at e-mail me. in addition, there are some kinks with blogger. take note, blogger will sometimes eraser a blog you were writing and the server does go down so sometimes you are unable to publish what you are writing.

it is late and i'm blogging so this might not make an sense, actually i'm sure it won't. some of us have gone to some good shows this weekend like the lost weekend tour and warped ...... sounded like you guys had good clean fun ..... okay well mabye not candy cane.

three good cure things happened to me today (well okay more like two but i'll say three): one - i heard "maybe someday" at the bowling alley we were at, so very very happy, i mean honestly how many places actually play that song, two - i got to put my cure sticker on my car .... finally and three - i listened to my cure cd all day today in the car with other people in it, sometimes i like to change the cd or go to radio to accomdate the people in my car but today i was like .... nah. ha ha.

random thought of the day: why is there so much focus on being thin, especially in the asian community. i'm always told by my family how much bigger i have gotten since high school and blah blah blah. so far none of my friends have directly told me about my weight situation but maybe they are scared i will kick their ass ...... and i would. just cause i'm so tired of hearing about how thin we are suppose to be. most asian girls i know are too skinny in my opinion. they are flat chested with a size a or aa bra size who have no ass what so ever. some of them look like 10 year boys because asian girls are small as well. ick ..... blech ...... nasty. what's worst is there are actually guys who like these super thin asian girls. now tell me please how are you suppose to have fun under the sheets with a skeleton, seriously now people. (shiver) if thin is in then count me out.

song of the day: catch - the cure

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